Dear TIPS Member,
This month, TI-UK published a report that shows nearly a third of all new jobs taken by former ministers and senior officials had a significant overlap with their previous brief. It follows from a 2011 'Cabs for Hire' report which focused on inter alia the need for lobbying reform in Westminster.
The report has called the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (ACOBA) into question due to its oversight of the ‘revolving door’ between public and private sector. The cases explored identify that the potential creation of conflicts of interest needs careful management and the current system of oversight is inadequate. For example, in the defence sector, 81% of roles had an overlap with a minister’s or official’s former government responsibility.
Some key recommendations from the report include:
The lobbying restriction should be extended to at least five years.
The government should introduce a comprehensive lobbying register.
The Cabinet Office should review types and seniority of roles that should be subject to scrutiny by ACOBA with attention to those roles with policy discretion.
The government should put the body responsible for imposing and enforcing restrictions on statutory footing, whilst any new body should be transparent about the restrictions it imposes on those leaving office.
Please see below the TIPS Newsletter for April 2023. We look forward to seeing you soon.
- the TIPS team
1. Upcoming Events (register on our Events page)
TIPS Event | Sanctions and anti-corruption: trends and developments | 23 May 2023 | 7-8pm
How to adapt supply chain risk programs to evolving ESG mandates | 9 May 2023 | 5-6pm BST
FCA Live Webinar: Trade-Based Money Laundering | 5 May 2023 | 5.30-6.30pm BST
2. Recent Events
TIPS | Ecowash: How Lessons Learnt from AML can bolster ESG and stem the financing of environmental crime
On 25 April 2023, the TIPS Network welcomed former HM Treasury green finance official Daphne McRae. She reflected on her findings from her research around compliance, reputational and litigation drivers in the environmental crime and anti-money laundering (EC-AML) space. Daphne highlighted inter alia that the evolving regulatory landscape such as the EU deforestation directive coupled with ESG litigation trends may change the dynamics of how firms operate in the EC-AML space. The discussion was followed by an excellent Q+A session.
We would like to also thank TIPS Committee Member Oliver Williams for expertly moderating this hybrid event!

3. Items of Interest
TI publications.
- Assessing public participation in budget processes. See here.
- Corporate anti-corruption benchmark. See here.
- Fighting urban corruption in fast-growing African Cities. See here.
- Overview of corruption and anti-corruption in infrastructure development. See here.
- Cryptocurrencies, corruption and organised crime. See here.
- The uses and impact of beneficial ownership information. See here.
TI blogs.
- The Geneva Paradox: vital discussions in an empty room. See here.
- Study on the Extent and Costs of Corruption in the Health Sector in Uganda. See here.
- Women’s history month: four courageous women fighting against corruption. See here.
- Bringing transparency back. See here.
- Transparency international global health supports campaign for young patients. See here.
- New first minister must 'grasp the nettle' of Scottish governance reform. See here
- Why we should measure illicit financial flows from grand corruption. Listen here.
- Andrew Wedeman on the politics of anti-corruption campaigns in China. Listen here.
- Cheri Leigh on the work of Accountability Lab. Listen here.
- DOJ mandates increased HR and Compliance cooperation. Listen here.
Other items.
- UK Economic crime plan 2023 to 2026. See here.
- The 2023 economic crime plan - a review. See here.
- Government ‘not enforcing’ offshore property law. See here.
- Over 170 ex-ministers and officials take jobs linked to old policy briefs since 2017. See here.
- Royals cashing in on gifts – surely that’s unseemly for a modern monarchy? See here.
- Factsheet: failure to prevent fraud offence. See here.
- Reflections on State Capture. See here.
- The Distinct Anticorruption Challenges of Small Population Countries. See here.
- The Hidden System of Legal Kickbacks Shaping the U.S. Prescription Drug Market. See here.
- Government ‘not enforcing’ offshore property law. See here.
4. Jobs Board
- Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) Officer at Deutsche Bank, London. Apply here.
- Senior Legal Counsel – Regulatory at Farfetch, London. Apply here.
- Impact Investment Specialist, TI-UK, London. Apply here.
5. One Minute Reads
New One Minute Reads have been uploaded to the TIPS website. Please do click the link to read more – perfect for your morning/evening WFH coffee break!
6. Support TI-UK directly by joining Friends of TI-UK!
As a friend of TI-UK you will receive updates from TI-UK directly about TI-UK's ground-breaking research & advocacy campaigns. Your subscription will also support TI-UK's ongoing work across the UK, Business, Health, Defence & Security initiatives. Find out more here.

7. Focus on...

John Lawes
PhD Student, Centre for the Study of Corruption, University of Sussex
TIPS Network Mentee
Why did you get involved with the TIPS mentorship programme?
I knew that the mentoring and networking provided by the TIPS network would be invaluable in helping establish my career in the field of anti-corruption after the completion of my PhD.
Please describe your experience of TIPS so far.
I've met some fantastic people in and outside of TI thanks to the contacts provided by my mentor, and it has solidified my wish to work in a policy-advisory role following my PhD thanks to meetings have had with current and former policy advisors thanks to the TIPS Network.
I would highly recommend any current student looking to work in the anti-corruption field to consider applying for the TIPS network as I've found it extremely helpful in providing the 'lay of the land' so to speak.
Connect with John on LinkedIn.