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TIPS Newsletter | August 2020

The TIPS team

Dear TIPS Member,

We are delighted to announce the membership of the TIPS Managing Committee for 2020/21, as follows:

James Ford, Mayer Brown, Committee Chair

Alex Sidossis, 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square, Advocacy Lead

Adam Bakran, FTI Consulting, Outreach Lead

Jessie Lightowler, British Council, Social Media Lead

Committee members:

Pete Chapman, Baker McKenzie

Richard Cheung, Bank of Montreal

James Hensser, Ernst & Young

Will Jenkins, Nardello & Co

Helene Kadjar, Unilever

Amy Ling, Devonshires

Jack Raeder, S-RM

Max Rossiter, Shakespeare Martineau

Many thanks to outgoing committee members Joseph Sinclair and Hannah Burrows for their tremendous support and contributions to the TIPS network over the past year!

Please don’t forget to provide your feedback on TIPS through the TIPS Survey, which was issued last month! Based on responses so far, we will continue TIPS engagement in a remote setting in the coming months and, over the next year, we will look to facilitate discussions on how corruption interacts with other topics (e.g. human rights, the environment). We will also start a Jobs Board, including any job postings that may be of interest to the wider anti-corruption and compliance community. It promises to be another exciting year for the TIPS Network, and we look forward to you being a part of it!

Please see below the TIPS Newsletter for August 2020. We look forward to seeing you (online) soon.

- the TIPS team


1. Upcoming Events (register on our Events page)

TIPS Networking Discussion | 28 September 2020 | 7-8pm BST

TIPS Networking Discussion | 26 October 2020 | 7-8pm BST

How not to conduct an AML risk assessment | 9 Sept 2020 | 3-3.30pm BST

Legal Conference: Anti-Bribery and Corruption | 24 Sept 2020 | 10.30-12pm BST

Anti-fraud & Anti-corruption initiative for Africa | 31 Oct 2020 | 2-5pm GMT

2. TIPS Advocacy: One Minute Reads

A number of new One Minute Reads have been uploaded to the TIPS website. Please do click the link to read more – perfect for your morning/evening WFH coffee break!

As ever, if you want to draft/share any One Minute Reads on the TIPS website or have any questions about this initiative, please contact Alex Sidossis, TIPS Advocacy Lead, at

3. Items of Interest

New TI-UK publication: Permission accomplished. TI-UK’s new report focusses on specific corruption risks in major planning decisions, an area where there is often a large amount of money at stake. It is also very contentious with many new developments resulting in a net loss of social and genuinely affordable housing, which in many areas are in short supply. See here.

TI-UK blogs.

- TI-UK has launched a revamped version of its free-to-use Open Access tool, which makes it easier for the public to find out which ministers have been meeting lobbyists, when and for what purpose. See here.

- Corruption, Covid and Inequality – a deadly cocktail. See here.


- TAI Virtual Conversation: Dubai’s role in global illicit financial flows. Listen here.

- KickBack: the Global Anti-corruption Podcast: reflections on the Project On Government Oversight and corruption risks in the US. Listen here.

- Corruption, Crime and Compliance: A review of World Acceptance Corp. Settlement with SEC for FCPA violations. Listen here.

- The suspicious transaction report: Holding up a mirror. Tom Keatinge and Oliver Bullough discuss a possibly surprise destination that poses a high risk to those seeking to protect themselves from financial crime. Listen here.

News items.

- Democracy? “Glaring gaps” in declaration of lobbying of Scottish ministers. See here.

- UK Government urged to justify £108m contact-tracing deal with Serco. See here.

- How Covid-19 is proving a boon for criminal networks’ illicit trade, endangering international security. See here.

Other items.

- Book review. Russian cash and duplicity – and our green and complacency: a new book on Russia’s influence operations in the US and UK. See here.

- Newsletter. Prosecuting Covid-19 corruption is hard. This is why by Oliver Bullough. See here.

- Blogpost. The Westferry Affair – the Fallout. Reflections on the Jenrick ‘cash for access’ scandal written by TIPS member Joseph Sinclair. See here.

- Long read. Policing corporate bribery: negotiated settlements and bundling. See here.

4. Jobs Board

- Legal clerkship, Transparency International Secretariat (Berlin, Germany). See here.

- Senior advocacy manager (maternity leave cover), Transparency International UK (London, UK). See here.

- Associate Director – Compliance Lead, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc (Munich, Germany). See here.

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