Dear TIPS Member,
We are delighted to announce the membership of the TIPS Managing Committee for 2021/22, as follows:
James Ford, Mayer Brown, Committee Chair
Alex Sidossis, 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square, Advocacy Lead
Helene Kadjar, Unilever, Outreach Lead
Sofia Tirini, OECD, Events Lead
Committee members:
Adam Bakran, FTI Consulting
Pete Chapman, Baker McKenzie
Irasema Guzman, University of Sussex
James Hensser, Ernst & Young
Will Jenkins, Nardello & Co
Amy Ling, Baker McKenzie
Jack Raeder, Harvard University
Sandra Saadi, Exiger
Many thanks to outgoing committee members Richard Cheung, Jessica Lightowler and Max Rossiter for their tremendous support and contributions to the TIPS network over the past couple of years! The new/continuing TIPS committee members have lots of ideas to grow this initiative further to continuing supporting Transparency International UK’s advocacy and outreach initiatives. It promises to be another exciting year for the TIPS Network, and we look forward to you being a part of it!
Please see below the TIPS Newsletter for August 2021. We look forward to seeing you soon.
- the TIPS team
1. Upcoming Events (register on our Events page)
TIPS Virtual Talk | 27 Sept 2021 | 7-8pm BST
TIPS Virtual Talk | 25 Oct 2021 | 7-8pm BST
What non-profits need to know about anti-corruption laws | 15 Sept 2021 | 3-4pm BST
Human rights and due diligence | 21 Sept 2021 | 1-2.30pm BST
The rise of ESG investments | 23 Sept 2021 | 6-7pm BST
Human rights and the Environment | 30 Sept 2021 | 6-7pm BST
2. Items of Interest
- Corruption, Crime and Compliance: “This is the Way” on Corporate Culture. Listen here.
- Crime, Corruption and Cocktails: The Jonestown Massacre. Listen here.
- Kickback: CRN Forum Special - How can academics and policy makers communicate in anti-corruption? Listen here.
- New UKFIU podcast: virtual assets. Listen here.
Other items.
- The Fall of Afghanistan: A Blow to Counter-Terrorism and Rule of Law Efforts. See here.
- One month to AML deadline for retail banks. See here.
- Fifa awarded $201m in forfeited funds after corruption probe by US Department of Justice. See here.
- High-profile solicitor’s firm shut down over dishonesty suspicions. See here.
- Cashing in on Guns: An Interactive Infographic on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Terrorist Financing. See here.
- Man jailed for six years after admitting modern slavery and fraud offences. See here.
- Volume of fraud cases hitting UK courts has doubled. See here.
- SFO charges five persons with bribery and money laundering. See here.
TI UK Publication: House of Cards. This report reviews potential factors influencing the UK government’s housing policy and identifies 10 key issues that need resolving to help produce a more open and inclusive policy process that is more transparent and free from undue influence. See here.
3. Jobs Board
- Director, Anti-Fraud/Corruption Program, International Rescue Committee, NYC or London. See here.
- Lead Compliance Counsel, Facebook, London. See here.
- Senior Risk Manager (Audit & Compliance), Amazon, London. See here.
4. One Minute Reads
New One Minute Reads have been uploaded to the TIPS website. Please do click the link to read more – perfect for your morning/evening WFH coffee break!
5. Support TI-UK directly by joining Friends of TI-UK!
As a friend of TI-UK you will receive updates from TI-UK directly about TI-UK's ground-breaking research & advocacy campaigns. Your subscription will also support TI-UK's ongoing work across the UK, Business, Health, Defence & Security initiatives. Find out more here.
6. A Focus on...

Ana Joli
TIPS member
VP, Anti-bribery and corruption,
US Bank / Elavon
Why did you get involved with TIPS?
TIPS provides a platform to discuss current bribery and corruption trends across different industries and sectors. I see the result of this collaboration as having a positive impact in creating private sector anti-bribery and anti-corruption programmes that actively review and assess risks and keep in mind industry developments and emerging trends.
Please describe your experience as part of the TIPS Network.
Initially, I participated in the TIPS Outreach initiative by delivering University presentations. That experience was very fulfilling and gave me the opportunity to engage with the next generation of anti-corruption professionals. In the last couple of years, I have attended various WebEx and talks that have shaped and made my professional delivery of my company’s ABC compliance programme more robust.
Connect with Ana on LinkedIn.