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How to get involved

The TIPS team invites you to become a part of this engaging initiative.

There is no minimum time commitment, but TIPS members are encouraged to contribute ideas and time to help TIPS to educate others and facilitate discussions around anti-corruption affairs.

Want to connect?

Subscribe to our social media channels linked below.

Some benefits of getting involved with TIPS include that you can:

  • learn and discuss more about how corruption permeates through modern day society;

  • learn about and engage with Transparency International and its work;

  • educate others about corruption matters and Transparency International's work;

  • hone your presentation and public speaking skills through speaking at TIPS events;

  • become more proactively involved with the anti-corruption agenda;

  • expand your networks by meeting like-minded people who are interested in anti-corruption affairs.

So how can you get involved?  See below five ways you can get involved!


Sign up to become a TIPS member.

You can do this on our Homepage or through the sign-up at the bottom of this page.


Join our social media channels

This will give you the opportunity to connect with other TIPS members as well as to read and share engaging posts relating to anti-corruption matters.


Support a TIPS event at a university. 

We are always looking for news university societies we can address - whether giving a presentation on Corruption in the Modern World or convening a debate or Question Time panel discussion.  Submit your ideas on the Contact Us page!


Attend and/or organise a TIPS event. 

We are always keen to bring together as many TIPS members as possible on a regular basis, whether through monthly talks, keynote speaker event or panel discussions.  Submit your ideas on the Contact Us page!


Send us interesting corruption-related articles. 

We share relevant articles and links with TIPS members in our monthly newsletter.  Please share any articles you think would be of interest to the TIPS Network via the Contact Us page!

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