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What we do

The TIPS Network (i) educates those within and beyond the network about TI-UK's mission and facilitates discussion around corruption-related issues; and (ii) supports TI-UK's long-term mission through advocacy within and beyond our networks.


We do this by engaging influencers, raising awareness and inspiring young professionals through our core initiatives: Advocacy, Events and Outreach.


Read the snapshots of our initiatives below to learn more.

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Supporting TI-UK’s advocacy priorities

We educate and upskill TIPS members on TI-UK’s work and anti-corruption issues.

We encourage TIPS members to use their existing networks to educate others in this area.

We encourage TIPS members to draft articles and blogposts (including "One Minute Reads") relating to anti-corruption issues.


Bringing the TIPS Network together

We convene monthly networking drinks or virtual talks with a corruption-related discussion focus for TIPS members to promote shared learning and to strengthen our network.

We arrange speaker and panel events for the TIPS network.

We promote events (including TI-UK events) likely to be of interest to TIPS members.


Educating others about corruption

We arrange panel discussions and debates at universities to educate future leaders on anti-corruption topics.

We run a mentorship programme to connect and develop TIPS members.

We educate others about the work and mission of TI-UK.

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