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TIPS Newsletter - Jan 2023 | Register for the Upcoming TIPS Anniversary Event; CPI 2022 launched

Dear TIPS Member,

The TIPS Network is excited to announce a number of upcoming events as part of its 2023 programme. To mark its Five Year Anniversary, the TIPS Network is honoured to welcome Gonzalo Guzman, Chief Counsel, Ethics and Compliance, Unilever & Chair, Global Commission on Anti-corruption & Corporate Responsibility, International Chamber of Commerce on Tues 14 March. Gonzalo will discuss impactful advocacy and how we can play our own part. This event will be kindly hosted and sponsored by Kroll in London's iconic Shard. You will have the opportunity to catch up with the TIPS community in person! Register here.

The TIPS Managing Committee met in January to discuss other TIPS opportunities in 2023. As usual, we have some excellent upcoming TIPS Talks – with a focus on financial risks from Russia in February and an upcoming debate with KCL focusing on public beneficial ownership registers. The TIPS team will soon be matching applicants with TIPS members as part of our second TIPS mentorship initiative and look forward to announcing the third TIPS intern in our next newsletter.

Lastly, we bring your attention to Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index 2022, which was released on 31 January 2023. The UK has plunged to its lowest ever position sliding from 11th in 2021 to 18th this year. We draw your attention to TI-UK's corresponding calls to action and related commentary reflecting on the latest results and what this means for the UK.

Please see below the TIPS Newsletter for January 2023. We look forward to seeing you soon.

- the TIPS team


1. Upcoming Events (register on our Events page)

TIPS Talk | How to counter risks Russia poses to the global financial system | 28 Feb 2023 | 7-8pm GMT

TIPS Anniversary Event | Anti-corruption: Impactful Advocacy - How to play your part | 14 March 2023 | 7-8.30pm GMT

FCA Live Webinar: White Collar Crimes: Bribery and Financial Crimes | 7 Feb 2023 | 9-10.30am GMT

Measuring ESG risk through multilingual AI | 9 Feb 2023 | 9.30-12.30pm GMT

Rebuilding Ukraine- What Will It Take? | 9 Feb 2023 | 12.00-1pm GMT


2. TIPS Debate at KCL | 6.30-7.30pm | 8 February 2023

Please join TIPS in hosting its fourth annual debate with KCL Law Society. Debaters will be putting their arguments for and against the ECJ’s recent ruling on public registers of UBOs. If you would like to attend, please email

The motion to be debated is:

The ECJ’s recent ruling against the requirement of the EU’s Money Laundering Directive that member states should establish open public registers of company ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) rightly prioritises privacy over the need to maintain an effective financial crime enforcement framework.


3. Recent Events

On 24 January, TIPS members joined in-person and online to listen to Franz Wild of The Bureau of Investigative Journalists on the role of journalists in the anti-corruption agenda. He discussed the excellent and important work of The TBIJ and what dangers are increasingly hampering good investigative journalism. Franz mentioned that it is vital to protect whistleblowers and that persistence is key in the work you are doing – don’t give up!

We would like to thank Sandra Saadi for expertly moderating this event and to all those who contributed to an excellent discussion.


4. Items of Interest

TI Publications

- CPI 2022 for Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Growing security risks and authoritarianism threaten progress against corruption. See here.

- CPI 2022 for sub-Saharan Africa: Corruption compounding multiple crises. See here.

- Westminster Accounts: Turning transparency into accountability. See here

- CPI 2022 for Western Europe & EU: Undue influence and fragmented anti-corruption measures hurt progress. See here.

- CPI 2022: for The Americas: Fertile ground for criminal networks and human rights abuses. See here.

- CPI 2022 for Middle East & North Africa: Corruption fuels ongoing conflict. See here.

- CPI 2022 for Asia Pacific: Basic freedoms restricted as anti-corruption efforts neglected. See here.

TI Blogs

- Former Chancellor should refer himself to parliamentary standards watchdog. See here.

- States should end reprisals against anti-corruption human rights defenders. See here.

- Transparency International condemns legal action against anti-corruption defenders in Guatemala. See here.


- The Dark Money Files. Can we have the bill please? Listen here.

- Kickback: Paul Massaro on the US strategy for fighting kleptocracy. Listen here.

- Preparing for FinCEN’s Latest Rulemakings and Beyond with Daniel Stipano and Jamal El-Hindi. Listen here.

Other items.

- Blackrock Ploughed UK Pension Funds into Putin’s Warchest. See here.

- Joining the dots between ESG and corruption. See here.

- Should culpable whistleblowers be eligible for rewards? See here.

- Benchmarking Alert: Digging into Glencore’s anti-bribery policy. See here.

- Statutory leniency for bribe-givers in Egypt: Revolutionary or Reprehensible. See here.

- Why we shouldn’t be overly concerned about corruption in the reconstruction of Ukraine. See here.


5. Jobs Board

- Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager, TI-UK, London. See here.

- UKI Regional Head of Sanctions and Embargoes Office, Deutsche Bank, London. See here.

- Anti-Bribery and Corruption Manager, GSK, London, See here.


6. One Minute Reads

New One Minute Reads have been uploaded to the TIPS website. Please do click the link to read more – perfect for your morning/evening WFH coffee break!


7. Support TI-UK directly by joining Friends of TI-UK!

As a friend of TI-UK you will receive updates from TI-UK directly about TI-UK's ground-breaking research & advocacy campaigns. Your subscription will also support TI-UK's ongoing work across the UK, Business, Health, Defence & Security initiatives. Find out more here.

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