Dear TIPS Member,
As the festive season is approaching, TIPS would like to thank you all for continuing to support and engage with TIPS in 2023. This year has seen a series of well-attended in-person and virtual events with prolific speakers, increasing engagement across the anti-corruption sphere.
Transparency International UK (TI-UK) is participating in the Big Give Christmas Challenge, a time-limited fundraising campaign where you can double your impact of giving! If every TIPS member contributes just £25 to this campaign, together we would have a more than £12,000 impact for TI-UK. This year, TI-UK are championing a new era of integrity in politics. Events in the UK this year have demonstrated how vital the work of TI-UK continues to be: see TI-UK’s annual impact report here. We encourage you to:
Donate to TI-UK’s campaign before 12pm GMT on Tues 5 December 2023 – any contribution will have double the impact; and
Share and like these posts with your networks to help spread the word about this campaign via X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn and Instagram.
Please see below the TIPS Newsletter for November 2023. We look forward to seeing you soon.
- the TIPS team
1. Upcoming Events (register on our Events page)
'Dictionary of Corruption' Book Launch | 7 December 2022 | 6.30-9pm GMT
2. Recent events
TIPS Careers Panel | Exploring Careers in Tackling Economic Crime
On 7 November 2023, TIPS hosted its annual careers panel event with panellists including: Jessica Arapu (Macfarlanes), Rob Wilson (Meta), Noemie Vassaire (Ankura) and Lucy Nash (Bureau of Investigative Journalism). They shared their insights and key skills needed to have a successful career in combating economic crime such as: collaboration between various stakeholders, having the ability to adapt and joining relevant networks.
A big thank you to the panellists and to Reecha Patel and Will Bullock Jenkins for their support in bringing this event together.
TIPS Event | Corruption Risk Management in International Projects
On 21 November 2023, the TIPS Network welcomed Samer Jannoun of Meta to share his insights on corruption risk management in international projects. Samer discussed the innovative strategies he deployed as part of an ongoing subsea cable project. Samer also shared insights into the project’s wide-ranging risks, including corruption, environmental and sanctions.
We would like to thank Samer Jannoun for enlightening the TIPS community and Sandra Saadi for expertly moderating and for bringing this event together.
3. Jobs Board
4. Items of Interest
TI publications.
EU analysis exposes conflicts of interest risk in European Parliament. See here.
TI blogs.
Toward transparency in Britain's offshore financial centres. See here.
Exposed: the thriving black market for crypto-to-fiat money mules. See here.
Making elections more expensive is a bad idea. See here.
Glimmers of light: Two economic crime bills later, what’s next in the UK’s fight against dirty money? See here.
EU court ruling on Beneficial Ownership Registers: One year on, need for harmonised approach is clear. See here.
Other items.
Cyprus Confidential. See here.
Corporate Transparency Is Easy. See here.
Basel AML Index: Risks are rising across the board. See here.
Oligarchs are losing out as Putin courts a new class of loyal asset owners. See here.
Forcing States to Grant Corruption Victims Legal Standing. See here.
Consent not required: India’s new investigation data privacy law provides interesting loophole. See here.
5. One Minute Reads
New One Minute Reads have been uploaded to the TIPS website. Please do click the link to read more – perfect for your morning/evening WFH coffee break!
6. Support TI-UK directly by joining Friends of TI-UK!
As a friend of TI-UK you will receive updates from TI-UK directly about TI-UK's ground-breaking research & advocacy campaigns. Your subscription will also support TI-UK's ongoing work across the UK, Business, Health, Defence & Security initiatives. Find out more here.

7. Focus on...

Livia Blackmore
Senior Business Development Executive | Corporate Intelligence and Cyber Security | S-RM
TIPS member
Why did you get involved with the TIPS network?
I was kindly invited to join TIPS by James Ford, the founder of the network, one year ago and have been attending the events ever since. Working in the corporate intelligence industry that helps businesses confront corruption, I have found the TIPS network an excellent place to learn about relevant and emerging trends in the corruption space outside of S-RM and the wider industry. From professionals in sports and corporate leaders in financial crime to whistle-blowers and investigative journalists, the broad spectrum of speakers at TIPS events has provided me with excellent opportunities to hear the perspectives of others working to tackle corruption across all sectors and industries.
Please describe your experience as part of the TIPS network.
I have found being a part of the TIPS network over the last year enjoyable and intellectually stimulating in equal measure. The regular cadence of events has enabled me to learn from and connect with a broad range of professionals working in similar and/or adjacent fields and facilitated what I hope will be lasting relationships. The network serves as a platform for open and honest discussions with industry peers about the role that professional services firms play in tackling corruption, which I have been able to reflect on and in turn apply to my own work and organisation more broadly.
Connect with Livia on LinkedIn.