Dear TIPS Member,
The TIPS Network celebrated its Four Year Anniversary on 15 February 2022 with its first ever hybrid event – the first in-person TIPS Network gathering in two years! We were delighted to hold a ‘fireside chat” with Washington-based author, lecturer and anticorruption activist Frank Vogl. It was great to see so many of you in person – thanks to all of you who made it, and to the TIPS team volunteers that made the event run so smoothly!
Frank delivered some powerful remarks in presenting key themes from his new book, The Enablers: How the West Supports Kleptocrats and Corruption. A key theme of Frank’s talk was the emphasis of individual responsibility to overcome the rise of undemocratic norms emerging across the world. The TIPS team has secured a 30% discount on Frank’s book for TIPS Members with the code RLFANDF30 from this website.
The TIPS Network also welcomes a new intern, Stella Cooper, this month. Stella will be supporting the TIPS team over the next three months and has already been doing a great job promoting TIPS through our social media channels and working on some of our longer term initiatives. You can learn more about Stella in this month’s “Focus on…” section!
Please see below the TIPS Newsletter for February 2022. We look forward to seeing you soon.
- the TIPS team
1. Upcoming Events (register on our Events page)
TIPS Virtual Talk | 28 Mar 2022 | 7-8pm GMT
The International Criminal Court | 10 Mar 2022 | 7-8.30pm GMT
Sustainable Investment: AI and ESG data | 11 Mar 2022 | 6.30-9.30pm GMT
ESG in the supply chain | 24 Mar 2022 | 1-6pm GMT
Supply chains and human rights | 26 Apr 2022 | 5.30-7.30pm GMT
2. Recent Events
TIPS Virtual Talk | Summary
In 22 February 2022, 22 TIPS members attended an engaging discussion session presented by TIPS member Oliver Williams (Mayer Brown) and TIPS committee member Will Jenkins (Nardello) on the sustainability disclosure landscape. Oliver gave an excellent overview of key ESG legislative initiatives and Will shared first-hand insights from ESG investigations around the world. It was a really engaging discussion followed by a plethora of questions. Many thanks to Oliver and Will for presenting such an interesting session!
KCL Debate | Summary
On 7 February 2022, students from KCL participated in a high quality debate on the motion: Law firms, accountants and other professional enablers should be held equally accountable under the law for the actions of their clients based on the advice of such professionals. It was a high quality debate. Congratulation to everyone who took part and many thanks to TIPS Outreach Lead Helene Kadjar and TIPS Committee Member Adam Bakran for arranging this event.
Above: Photos from TIPS: Four Years On, the February TIPS Virtual Talk and the TIPS KCL debate
3. Items of Interest
TI publications. - TI-US submission to FINCEN re: AML regulations for real estate transactions. See here.
TI blogs. - Stats reveal extent of suspect wealth in UK property and Britain’s role as global money laundering hub. See here. - Integrity Pacts in the EU: Suitability, Set Up and Implementation. See here. - Suisse Secrets: Banks Have Learned Nothing From Their Mistakes. See here.
Podcasts. - Corruption, Crime and Compliance. 2022 Ethics and Compliance Predictions. Listen here. - Kickback: Caryn Peiffer on social norms and anti-corruption messages. Listen here. - Anticipating the Scope of Possible Russian Sanctions with Justine Walker. Listen here. Other items. - OCCRP: Insights into the Suisse Secrets leak. See here. - Economic crime in the UK: a multi-billion pound problem. See here. - UK axes ‘golden visa’ scheme after fraud and Russia concerns. See here. - EU publishes draft corporate sustainability Due Diligence Directive. See here. - Liz David-Barrett: The Fight Against Cronyism. See here. - The Beijing Olympics Marks the End of the Era of Corrupt Authoritarian Megasports - but what comes next? See here.
- The Keys to the success of Transnational Investigative Journalism. See here.
- Government condemned for ‘wasting’ £8.7bn on PPE written off last year. See here.
4. Jobs Board
- Programme Manager, Conflict, Corruption and Crisis, TI UK, London. See here.
- Graduate Financial Crime Analyst, networx, London. See here.
- Anti-Corruption Due Diligence Specialist, Gilead Sciences, London. See here.
5. One Minute Reads
New One Minute Reads have been uploaded to the TIPS website. Please do click the link to read more – perfect for your morning/evening WFH coffee break!
6. Support TI-UK directly by joining Friends of TI-UK!
As a friend of TI-UK you will receive updates from TI-UK directly about TI-UK's ground-breaking research & advocacy campaigns. Your subscription will also support TI-UK's ongoing work across the UK, Business, Health, Defence & Security initiatives. Find out more here.

7. Focus on...

Stella Cooper
TIPS Intern
Student, University of Sussex
MA, Corruption and Governance
Why did you get involved with TIPS?
I became familiar with the TIPS Network in 2021 when I started my Corruption and Governance Masters at Sussex. My professor Robert Barrington has promoted the network in many of our seminars. At the TIPS careers event last November, I was impressed by the range of speakers demonstrating the global reach of TIPS and the network’s ability to facilitate inclusive conversations and debates. The level of experience and professionalism around numerous anti-corruption topics made me want to become more deeply involved. When the opportunity arose to become an intern, I was absolutely delighted that TIPS was in the shortlist of choices.
Please describe your experience as part of the TIPS Network.
So far, it has been a rewarding experience at only two weeks in. I am currently assisting the running of all social media channels and the TIPS website with ‘One Minute Reads’. As a current student, I am promoting the TIPS advocacy initiative at academic institutions as well as supporting the team with hybrid and online events. My recent areas of study have focused on kleptocracy and state capture in Eastern Europe, so the recent TIPS event with Frank Vogl was a fitting start to my internship. It was excellent meeting many TIPS members in person. I look forward to the next few months with TIPS in great anticipation.
Connect with Stella on LinkedIn.