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TIPS Newsletter | January 2020

The TIPS team

Dear TIPS Member,

New Year’s Resolutions: How will you support TIPS?

On 13 January 2020, the TIPS Managing Committee met to reflect on the TIPS Network’s progress so far in 2019/20 and to help shape the network’s activities going forwards. There is plenty on the horizon, including an upcoming anti-corruption debate to be hosted at UCL and some exciting speakers at upcoming TIPS Networking drinks.

As mentioned last month, TIPS has grown to more than 270 members – but in order to know how best to embrace and leverage the collective experience of the TIPS Network for good, the TIPS team welcomes your input!

So please do let any member of the TIPS team know what is working well, what could be better and how you can contribute to enhancing this exciting network.

Our Two Year Anniversary event on 10 February 2020 will provide a good opportunity for you to speak with TIPS Managing Committee members in person or you can provide your thoughts via the TIPS Website.

Please see below the TIPS Newsletter for January 2020. We look forward to seeing you soon.

- the TIPS team


1. Upcoming Events (register on our Events page)

The Modern Slavery Act: 5 Years On 4 Feb 2020 | 4.30-6pm

G03 Lecture Theatre, 26 Bedford Way WC1H 0DS

TIPS: Two Years On | 10 Feb 2020 | 6.30-9pm

Mayer Brown, 201 Bishopsgate, EC2M 3AF

CSC Research Showcase | 12 Feb 2020 | 4.15-6.45pm

Mayer Brown, 201 Bishopsgate EC2M 3AF

Corruption and Anti-Corruption c. 1314-44 14 Feb 2020 | 5.30-7.30pm

NB02, Senate House, Malet Street WC1E 7HU

ESG – What does it mean for you? 19 Feb 2020 | 8.30-10.30am

Link Group, 65 Gresham Street, EC2V 7NQ

TIPS Networking Drinks | 24 Feb 2020 | 6.30-8pm

The Bootlegger, 25-26 Lime St, EC3M 7HR

TIPS - KCL Law Society Debate | 10 March 2020 | 6.30-9pm

Location tbc

2. Recent TIPS Events

TIPS January Networking Drinks | Summary

On 27 January 2020, a group of TIPS members met at The Allegory for an evening of engaging discussion on corporate transparency.

For this first meeting of 2020, members of the TIPS Network Managing committee led a discussion on recent anti-corruption news and upcoming trends for 2020. Chief among those updates was a discussion of trends emerging from Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index 2019, particularly new analysis highlighting the transnational nature of recent high profile corruption scandals.

It was a diverse and engaging evening with a variety of insights and contributions from attendees.

3. TIPS Advocacy: One Minute Reads

A number of new One Minute Reads have been uploaded to the TIPS website. Please do click the link to read more – perfect for your morning/evening commute!

As ever, if you want to draft/share any One Minute Reads on the TIPS website or have any questions about this initiative, please contact Alex Sidossis, TIPS Advocacy Lead, at

4. TIPS Outreach

On Tuesday 10 March, TIPS is hosting its first debating event with King’s College London Law Society. This will involve four teams of two students debating two anti-corruption-related motions, with opportunity for the audience to get involved and summary from TIPS members.

Register here and/or contact Adam Bakran, TIPS Outreach lead at for more information.

5. Items of Interest

Africa's richest woman 'ripped off Angola': Leaked documents reveal how Isabel dos Santos, Africa's richest woman, made her fortune through exploiting her own country and through corruption. Watch the Panorama documentary and read this related news article.

Corruptions Perceptions Index 2019 released: On 23 January 2020, Transparency International released the CPI 2019. The UK dropped one place to 12th in the rankings and fell three points to 77 on the 100 point scale. Read about what this means for the UK and watch a short video comment on this from Daniel Bruce here.

A recent TI-UK paper analyses trends in the progress of commitments related to anti-corruption pledges and themes discussed at the 2016 London Anti-Corruption Summit. Read here.

A new and thought-provoking research paper explores how the Kremlin undermines European judicial systems. Read here.

A TI US report exposes how regulations on arms exports have given rise to security and foreign policy concerns. Read here.

Airbus subject to £3bn DPA: SFO agrees €3.6bn DPA with Airbus as part of a global resolution. Read here and here. Lawyers question timing of Airbus deferred prosecution. Read here.

5MLD comes into force: On 10 January 2020, the Fifth Money Laundering Directive (EU) 2018/843 (5MLD) came into force. Read here.

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