Dear TIPS Member,
As the festive season is approaching, TIPS would like to thank you all for continuing to support and engage with TIPS in 2022. This year has seen the return of in-person events alongside virtual talks which have increased engagement across a broad range of topics in the anti-corruption sphere. This month, we hosted the third annual TIPS Careers Panel. You can read a summary of the event below.
Transparency International UK (TI-UK) is currently participating in the Big Give Christmas Challenge this year which launched on 29 November, a time-limited fundraising campaign where you can double your impact of giving! If every TIPS member contributes just £25 to this campaign, together we would have a more than £12,000 impact for TI-UK. This year’s campaign is focussed on the timely subject of political integrity. As the UK’s leading anti-corruption charity, this funding will support TI-UK's efforts to bring back accountability in UK politics. Events in the UK this year demonstrate how TI-UK’s work is important as ever: just see its Annual Impact Report 2021-22. We encourage you to:
Donate to TI-UK’s campaign before 12pm on Tues 6 December 2022 – any contribution will have double the impact; and
Please share and like these posts with your networks to help spread the word about this campaign via Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.
Please see below the TIPS Newsletter for November 2022. We look forward to seeing you soon.
- the TIPS team
1. Upcoming Events (register on our Events page)
TIPS Virtual Talk | The Role of Investigative Journalists in the Anti-Corruption Agenda | 24 January 2023 | 7-8pm GMT
ONLINE Corruption: A Global Health Emergency | 5 December 2022 | 1-2.30pm GMT
Fintech, Cryptocurrency, Sanctions and Compliance: What’s New in 2022? | 9 December 2022 | 11-12pm GMT
International Anti-Corruption Conference: Uprooting Corruption, Defending Democratic Values | 6-10 December 2022 | Washington DC
2. Recent Events
TIPS | Career Paths To Fighting Corruption
On 22 November, the TIPS Network hosted its third annual careers event with a distinguished panel who shared their experiences across investigations, law, journalism and corporate compliance. In break-out rooms, participants engaged with each panel member to discuss how they would tackle corruption and what needs to change, such as the need for stronger legislation, enforcement and ethics on the part of companies.
Many thanks to the panel: Ed Malcolm, Jan Peter-Westad, Will Bullock-Jenkins and Joanna Williams for their invaluable advice to have a successful career in anti-corruption! We would also like to thank Helene Kadjar and Adam Bakran for expertly moderating and organising this event.
TIPS Monthly Talk | The Race to Zero: Reflections on COP27 | Andrew Griffiths
On 1 December, Andrew Griffiths, Director of Community and Partnerships at Planet Mark, shared his reflections from COP27, including some positives and missed opportunities – and their impacts on the wider climate agenda. It was a fantastically insightful (hybrid) discussion followed by some Christmas drinks for TIPS members who attended in person.
Many thanks to Andrew for leading such a great talk!
3. Jobs Board
Financial Controller, TI-UK, London. See here.
Corporate Enablers, Internal Investigations Hub Officer, UK Home Office. See here.
Senior Research Analyst, TI-UK, London. See here
4. Items of Interest
TI publications.
- Open Letter to G20 Leaders: Confront Cross-Border Corruption to Make Recovery from Ongoing Crises Possible. See here.
TI blogs.
- The Role of the Media in Exposing Corruption: Are We Losing the Battle? See here.
- Why are EU Public Registers Going Offline, and what’s next for Corporate Transparency. See here.
- Glencore Bribery Case: Individual Prosecutions Essential To Deter Others From Flouting UK Anti-Bribery Law. See here.
- Transparency International Defence and Security Respond to Review of UK’s Aid Investment in Afghanistan. See here.
- Benefiting People and the Planet: Why We Must Prioritise Gender in Anti-Corruption and Climate Efforts. See here.
- Maggie Murphy and Dan Hough on integrity in football. Listen here.
- Cybersecurity Risks Increase for Financial Institutions Relying on the Cloud. A Discussion with Carlo Massimo. Listen here.
- Daniel Kauffmann and Liz David-Barrett on State Capture. Listen here.
Other items.
- A bold vision for Ukraine’s digital and accountable reconstruction. See here.
- Why AML Needs AI: Debunking the Myths for FinTech’s. Whitepaper. See here.
- Innovating Business Ethics: Together4Integrity (T4I) Umbrella for Integrity and Compliance. See here.
- Can Russia Police Its Protests and Its Elites? See here.
- Eye on ESG: COP27 Postscript- much ado about nothing? See here.
- Participatory Budgeting: A Way Forward for the Brazilian Anticorruption Agenda. See here.
- Johnson’s legacy: Boris Johnson and the regulation of football. See here.
5. One Minute Reads
New One Minute Reads have been uploaded to the TIPS website. Please do click the link to read more – perfect for your morning/evening WFH coffee break!
6. Support TI-UK directly by joining Friends of TI-UK!
As a friend of TI-UK you will receive updates from TI-UK directly about TI-UK's ground-breaking research & advocacy campaigns. Your subscription will also support TI-UK's ongoing work across the UK, Business, Health, Defence & Security initiatives. Find out more here.

8. Focus on...

Oliver Rake
Vice President, AlixPartners
TIPS Member
Why did you get involved with TIPS?
Anti-corruption is an enormously important cause, which has the potential to make material differences to millions of lives throughout the world. My work in the forensic accounting investigations field has included a lot of number of overlaps with the fight again corruption, and I was interested in finding out what professionals could do to support it. It was with this in mind that I got involved in the 2017 roundtable discussions which ultimately lead to the founding of TIPS.
Please describe your experience as part of the TIPS Network.
Following on from these roundtable discussions, I’ve been able to witness and experience the growth of TIPS. I’ve been to some very interesting talks and events and have enjoyed meeting likeminded professionals. The 4th anniversary discussion with Frank Vogl in February 2022 was a particular highlight, and I am assured that the 5th anniversary event in 2023 will be unmissable!
Connect with Oliver on Linkedin.